Hjelledalstind and Falketind are reflected in Koldedalsvannet
Uranostind (2157 m)
Uranostind is often called Jotunheimen's most beautiful peak and is best accessible from Uranosbreen. Incidentally, a trip that is also popular with skis in the winter. You can choose to go from Tyinholmen or shorten things by driving into Koldedalen. The route is considered to be moderately difficult where you follow the road up towards the glacier on the east side of Tjern 1518, and into the glacier on the right side. Glacier equipment is a matter of course on the glacier. The route goes up into the gorge between Uranostinden and Slingsbytinden. From there clockwise all the way to the top of the main peak.
The Uranus traverse requires climbing equipment. From the construction road in Koldedalen you follow the marked path up to the oasis of Uradalsvannet. The river must be stoned. Then keep to the right of the crag at 1450 m and follow the path to the north up the ridge. It is narrow and airy above the two summits, both of which are higher than 2000 metres.
See more at UT.no: Uranostind
Falketind (2067 m above sea level)
Today, it is primarily recommended to take the "pioneer route" to climb Falketind. This is the route chosen by the first climbers in 1820. The reason is that the alternative route has become very vulnerable to rock falls. This trip requires both glacier equipment and climbing experience (contact us if you want a guide: 61 36 78 88). Get off at the cabin at the end of the road in Koldedalen and go up on the right side of the river, over Falkebreen and into the east wall. The route goes up straight to the right where the egg breaks down at its lowest point. Here you climb up a chute before traversing out to the right and so on to the top. At the top of the east wall, there may be a small drift of snow that you have to ford, at least early in the season. Once at the top, you follow the road further south along the cliff and up to the top.
See more at UT.no: Falcon mind
Hjelledalstind (1889 m above sea level)
Hjelledalstind forms the majestic left portal, where Falketind is the dominant right portal in the "gateway" into Morka Koldedalen. Despite the fact that Hjelledalstind is a beautiful mountain, it is far less visited than its big brother, Falketind. The trip is shorter, but up from Koldedalen you get a brutal start with several hundreds of meters of sharp ascent. Up on the saddle between Koldedalstind and Hjelledalstind is a small glacier which may also have cracks in some places. Ice ax and crampons are recommended. Towards the very top it can become airy, which requires splitting. Up from Koldedalen and all the way to the top, it usually takes 4 hours, slightly less if you choose to slide down on the snowdrifts, which are usually there early in the season.
See more at UT.no: Hjelledalstind